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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Quitline Podcasts

These podcasts are stories from Community Members who have gone through the process of quitting and come out the other side to tell their story - to inspire and empower our Mob to do the same.

Episode 1 Uncle Brian A. Smith - Our first quit story, from an Elder

Episode 1 is with Uncle Brian A. Smith. Uncle Brian was recently featured in the Portland Observer in an article about his community work with local Mob to assist and inspire them to cut down and quit smoking. We found Uncle's story very touching. He explains all the benefits of quitting, how things have changed with his health since he's quit, what worked for him, what didn't... and most of all the importance of not giving up on quitting!

Episode 2 Alicia. How Alicia made choices to improve her health and that of her baby's

Episode 3 Gale & Scorch. A couple in a relationship who've recently quit, together!

Episode 4 Michael. A strong man's story - quitting through a health scare

Episode 5 Tanisha. A story from a courageous young woman

Episode 6 Uncle Stewart Taylor. What made him quit, how he did it and what he's gained

Episode 7 Natasha. A strong lady who pushes through to reach her health goals

Episode 8 Launa. The importance of knowing your triggers and habits

Episode 9 Uncle Douglas Smith's vision for our Communities to get support and quit

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