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Quitting smoking fact sheets

Quitting smoking fact sheets and brochures to provide information on quitting services and stop smoking medication, to help people who smoke decide how to quit.

Research shows that people who have the best chance of quitting are those who get some support (such as contacting Quitline) and use stop smoking medications. Different people have success with different ways of quitting. It is important to choose a way to quit that is safe, proven to help people, and that suits the individual person.

Fact sheets

The following quitting smoking fact sheets provide information on quitting services and stop smoking medications to help people who smoke decide how to quit.

Quit brochures

A range of brochures for people who smoke and those who want to help others quit.

Quitting and mental illness

People living with a mental illness can quit smoking with the right support. Resources on the benefits of quitting for people living with mental illness can be found on the Resources order form.

Suggested Resources

Deaths & disease from smoking

Australian and Victorian figures for deaths from smoking, and information about diseases related to smoking.

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Smoking rates

Australian and Victorian smoking rates for adults and secondary students.

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Cigarettes & tobacco

Fact sheets on cigarettes, other tobacco products, and secondhand smoke.

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