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PSA references

References for the Drug Interactions with Smoking card, developed by Quit Victoria and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australasia.

1. UCSF Smoking Cessation Leadership Center 2019. Drug Interactions with Tobacco Smoke, viewed 28 October 2020. At

2. NHS UKMi 2020, Medicines Q&As. What are clinically significant drug interactions with tobacco smoking?, viewed 28 October 2020. At

3. eviQ Cancer Treatments Online, Cancer Institute NSW, viewed 28 October 2020. At

4. Australian Medicines Handbook 2020 (online), viewed 28 October 2020. At

5. MIMS Australia 2020 (online), viewed 21 October 2020. At

6. Baxter K, Preston CL (eds), Stockley’s Drug Interactions. [online] London: Pharmaceutical Press, viewed 19 October 2020. At

7. Kroon, LA. 2007. Drug Interactions with smoking. Am J Health-Sys Pharm;64:1917-1921. At

8. Lucas C, Martin J, 2013. Smoking and drug interactions. Australian Prescriber;36:102-104. At

9. Ryan, J, Petel, J, Lucas, CJ, Martin, JH, 2019. Tobacco Smoking and its potential drug interactions. The Pharmaceutical Journal. Jan.

10. Zhao Z, Chen M, Peng Y, et al, 2014. The impact of smoking on clinical efficacy and pharmacodynamic effects of clopidogrel: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart;100:192-199. At

11. Hiemke C et al, 2018. Consensus Guidelines for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychopharmacology: Update 2017, Pharmacopsychiatry;51:9-62. At

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