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How Michael found peace of mind by kicking the habit

Michael's life is looking up, with a holiday to boot!

Hi everyone, it's been 26 months since I smoked my last cigarette!

There are some lovely things happening in my life... I recently went for a weekend in Bundaberg - I could pay for it with the money I've saved from not smoking. I had a wonderful weekend staying at a lovely modern farmhouse. I attend church and I love it.

I have given up gambling for 27 months thanks to a 12 step fellowship. This is a great relief to me.

I rarely get sick. I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago and the doctor gave me a very good report.

My parents are very happy I've given up smoking and gambling.

I got a good report from the dentist recently and didn't need any fillings.

I have started to look for a wife. Most of my adult life I didn't feel like I deserved a partner.

Life has improved so much for me! Thanks to the Quitline for your support.

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