Talking to children and young people about smoking and vaping
The following resources provide helpful strategies and tips on having conversations with young people about smoking and vaping.
Quit Vaping Facts - Get the facts on vaping and information to help you talk about the risks of vaping with young people.
Vaping conversation guide for parents - A guide developed by VicHealth and The Behaviour Change Collaborative to help you have meaningful, non-threatening conversations with your teen about vaping.
Youth vaping conversation guide for parents and carers - A guide developed by the Australian Government for parents and carers wanting to talk to their young person about vaping.
Talking to young people – Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) webpage.
ADF’s Vaping and young people resource, including a section on ‘having a conversation with young people’.
Smoking – how to discourage your children – Better Health Channel webpage on the best approaches for parents to take to discourage their children from smoking.