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Confidence to Quit

Wherever you are on your quitting journey, we're here to help.

You don't have to rely on willpower alone to stop smoking. Research shows people who have more success at stopping smoking do it with support: using both counselling from a service like Quitline (13 7848) and stop smoking medication, like nicotine patches and lozenges. By having your own set of support tools and strategies at the ready, you can begin your journey towards quitting feeling confident.

Everyone who stops smoking has had to overcome their own barriers. The important thing to know is that quitting is achievable. There are strategies that can work for you. You can stop smoking. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Watch Karen and Johnna talk about how they stopped smoking:

Karen talks about what helped her through her quitting journey. Adapted with permission from Make Smoking History. Make Smoking History is supported by the Department of Health WA, Healthway and Cancer Council Western Australia.
Johnna discusses how she conquered smoking and has never felt better. Adapted with permission from Make Smoking History. Make Smoking History is supported by the Department of Health WA, Healthway and Cancer Council Western Australia.

There are many ways you can find the right supports and strategies for you. Explore the options below or give Quitline a call on 13 7848 Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm. You can also fill out the callback form and a Quitline counsellor will call you back at a time that suits you.

There are many ways to contact Quitline:

  • Call 13 7848 Mon - Fri 8am to 8pm

  • Text 'call back' to 0482 090 634 · Webchat at

  • Message us on Facebook Messenger @quitvic or WhatsApp: 61 385 832 920

  • Ask Quitline to call you back for free using the online form: Request a Quitline callback

Last updated January 2024.

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