Ron's reason to quit
Ron was a long time smoker, smoking for over 50 years. It took a stroke to wake up Ron and quit for good. Read for his tips on how he stayed quit for good.
I am 66 now and quit over five months ago.
I smoked for 52 years and not proud of it. I’ll get to the point.
I had a mild stroke in February 2018. At that point I had quit smoking for almost 3 months. Fortunately I fully recovered very quickly and my doctor said I was very lucky.
I wonder by quitting if it was a god send. My doctors all feel it was a big contributing factor to why it wasn’t more severe than it was. I’m now almost 6 months free of that horrible habit, walking three kilometres a day most days of the week and I am joining a gym also.
Easy to say now but quitting is doable, but you REALLY have to make it your business no matter how hard it initially is. It is to me my biggest accomplishment of my life!!! and will be yours also.