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Vapes and the effects of vaping

Get the facts on vaping

Information to help parents, carers, teachers and other influential adults talk about the risks of vaping with young people.


Australia’s 2024 Vaping Regulations: What you need to know

In March 2024, the Australian Government introduced new laws for vaping products, building on the importation ban that took effect in January. More laws regarding the sale of vaping products are expected later this year.

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Vapes: general information

General information about vapes and vaping in Australia.

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Effects of vaping on the body

Vaping can damage many parts of the body, including the cardiovascular system, lungs and airways, and the brain and nervous system.

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The dangers of nicotine in e-liquids

Information on liquid nicotine poisoning.

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Tips to help you quit vaping

To give you the best chance of quitting vaping, a great place to start is planning and preparing to stop.

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The cost of vaping: 4 ways quitting will improve your life

Quitting vaping can improve your overall wellbeing in unexpected ways. Here are 4 key ways quitting vaping will improve your life.

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